Hon Bill Shorten MP launches the Flemington House, Travancore book.
On Friday 12 May 2023, eighty Essendon Historical Society (EHS) members and guests attended the book launch by The Hon Bill Shorten MP, Minister for the National Disability Insurance Scheme. Minister for Government Services, and the Member for Maribyrnong.
The venue was St George’s Anglican Church Hall in Travancore, and EHS is grateful for the support of the Country Women’s Association of Victoria Essendon Branch, Mr Shorten’s Office and St. George’s Church.

Image: The Hon Bill Shorten MP addresses the capacity meeting. Watching on are Bob Chalmers, EHS President and Alex Bragiola, the book’s author (Julie Scott)
The book by author Alex Bragiola, features the Flemington House mansion and the Glass and Madden families as well as the subsequent school and residential developments of Travancore.

Image: The Glass family in the mansion’s gardens 1892. Members of the family attended the book launch.